PF divulga imagens de suspeitos de roubos a Correios em Alagoas

soughtThe Federal Police in Alagoas (PF) released on Thursday (11), videos in the post office robbery suspects appear committing the crime agencies within Alagoas.

This morning, the PF triggered the operation “Ascaris” in order to meet the five search warrants at homes of people who would be involved in assaults three post offices in the state. Three were arrested.

According to PF, the crimes occurred in the cities of Taquarana, Ibateguara and Tank D’Ark in the days October 22, 2015, February 26, 2015 and January 15, 2015, respectively.

According to the Federal Police, one of the cameras recorded André Jorge Figueiredo, wearing a striped shirt in white and black colors, assaulting the Taquarana agency on 26 February 2015.

For those who have information about the people who appear in the images, the police offers reward, depending on the relevance of the information to the complainant. Who has some detail that might help the investigation should call the number 3216-6767.

According to PF, the aim of the operation is to strengthen the evidence already obtained with the seizure of weapons and other objects that relate to the offense. Besides the three suspects arrested, another is on bail with the use of electronic ankle bracelet. Other people involved in the crime have not been identified.

The three people are the same people who committed a robbery in December 2015 against the post office located in Barra de São Miguel and had left customers and employees hostage. They were recognized by the victims.


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